The Pro-Life Review is an Equal Rights Institute affiliate dedicated to ending abortion through media and pro-life advocacy.

The group's goal is to train pro-life writers in the most persuasive arguments against abortion and get them published. But The Pro-Life Review's work is not limited to what we can do while sitting behind our computer screens.

Advocating for the equal rights of the vulnerable human beings subjected to unjustifiable killing on a daily basis requires in-person advocacy as well. Whether that includes sidewalk counseling or outreach efforts, our group is here to promote a thoughtful pro-life perspective to change the culture and end legal abortion.

- Samantha Kamman, founder of The Pro-Life Review

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Persuasively arguing against abortion using the written word.


Philosophy and Theology Major at the Catholic University of America
Petra is a Kansas City native transplanted to Columbus, OH. She has a M.S. in chemistry and loves teaching, writing, apologetics, and helping other people.
Kristina Massa is a Training Specialist at Justice For All. She engages pro-choice advocates in conversations about abortion on college campuses across the US, seeking to balance truth with love.
William G. Benson is a student at The Catholic University of America and the Editor-in-Chief of The American Postliberal. He has been published in The Wall Street Journal, The Federalist, The American Spectator, The Daily Caller, and Crisis Magazine.
Lone Conservative Editor and Columnist.
Author and Researcher I became frustrated with media distortions and began investigating and cataloging primary sources on my own. Findings are compiled into dozens of articles and infographics and published into two books on American history.
Writer, advocate, and founder of The Pro-Life Review.